YouTube Marketing

In this post, I will discuss the basics of YouTube, YouTube as a marketing tool, the benefits of YouTube marketing, how to do marketing and promotion of products and services on YouTube and show you how to create a YouTube channel from start.

Video is the hottest thing in marketing right now and I don’t think it will ever have an end.  This post is suitable for beginners as it helps you build a YouTube channel from scratch, but also offers marketing strategies that anyone can use. Learn how to set up your channel, optimize and edit your videos, think outside the box, how to make money, and promote on YouTube with great examples and screenshot tutorials. YouTube is a social platform that has experienced explosive growth over the past 17 years. Launched in 2005, it is the number one website for online video. When marketers think of viral marketing, they think of YouTube. It cannot be overlooked as a marketing tool. In fact, some marketers compare it to television channels, both in terms of their importance and potential reach to consumers. Of course, YouTube itself has picked up on this and launched a Premium Channel that presently works just like a TV channel. 

YouTube is considered a social media platform because it allows users to interact by liking, replying, sharing and commenting on each video. And YouTube allows users to engage in social networking.

What is YouTube Marketing?

Overview and Basics:

Before getting started with the actual platform, let’s cover the basics that everyone should know. YouTube can do a lot for businesses that use it correctly and consistently. To do this, you need to understand how YouTube marketing differs from other social channels and how you can take advantage of it. YouTube marketing is often completely forgotten by most businesses, but it could be just the tool you need to differentiate yourself from your competitors. By looking at YouTube as the next pillar of your content marketing strategy, you can create great video content to enhance your content and social media marketing.

Some marketers seem to forget that developing a social media marketing strategy is just as important for YouTube as it is for Facebook and Twitter. Think strategically about your YouTube community and your potential reach. YouTube started out as an entertainment site, but its marketing value has grown dramatically.

If you don’t think YouTube is a video marketing giant, consider these statistics as detailed below:

YouTube Quick Statistics

  • Total Number of Monthly Active YouTube Users: 2.6 billion
  • Total Number of Daily Active YouTube Users: 122 million+
  • Average Time Spent Daily on YouTube: 18 minutes
  • Total Daily Hours of Video Watched on YouTube: 1 billion hours
  • Total YouTube 2021 Ad Revenue: $8.6 billion
  • YouTube TV Paying Subscribers: 3 million
  •  YouTube Premium Paying Subscribers: 23.6 million
  • Number of Videos Watched Per Day: 1 billion +
  • Hours of Videos uploaded per minute: 500

YouTube Demographics

  •       53.9% of global YouTube users are male.
  •       46.1% of global YouTube users are female.
  •       81% of U.S. adults use YouTube. 
  •       82% of U.S. male adults use YouTube. 
  •       80% of U.S. female adults use YouTube. 
  •       95% of 18-29 year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube.
  •       91% of 30-49 year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube.
  •       49% of 65+ year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube.
  •       62% of U.S. YouTube users say they visit the site daily.
  •       37% of Millennials aged 18 – 34 are binge-watching YouTube daily.
  •       YouTube services are available in more than 100 countries.

YouTube Demographics statistics

YouTube Usage Statistics 

  •         15.9% of YouTube site traffic comes from the U.S. 
  •         Around 21% of YouTube watch time comes from mobile devices. 
  •         You can navigate YouTube in a total of 80 different languages, while 19 languages are available for YouTube Creators.
  •         YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website with 22.8 billion monthly visits.
  •         YouTube is the world’s second-most used social platform. 
  •         YouTube is the primary source of video for 78% of users.
  •         People watch around 100 billion hours of gaming on YouTube.
  •         India leads as the country with the highest number of YouTube users at 467 million.  

Important YouTube Statistics for Marketers

Data published in the platform’s own tools in July 2022 indicated (datareprtal) that marketers could reach the following worldwide audiences using ads on YouTube:

How many users does YouTube have in each age group in 2022?

  • 368.7 million users aged 18 to 24 (14.9% of YouTube’s total ad audience)
  • 507.1 million users aged 25 to 34 (20.5% of YouTube’s total ad audience)
  • 408.5 million users aged 35 to 44 (16.5% of YouTube’s total ad audience)
  • 293.2 million users aged 45 to 54 (11.8% of YouTube’s total ad audience)
  • 214.4 million users aged 55 to 64 (8.7% of YouTube’s total ad audience)
  • 232.0 million users aged 65 and above (9.4% of YouTube’s total ad audience)


AgeWise youtube Ad Stat
AgeWise YouTube Statistics                                                                                                                                                                                                       Source: datareportal


Source: Most trusted websites like hootsuite, globalwebindex, wayzool, datareportal.

We know that There is a large audience between the ages of 18 and 49, so if you load a video on YouTube at least once a month, you have a large audience waiting for what you have to offer. We all are also seeing mobile viewing of videos grow across all platforms, but especially on YouTube. Here the user wants to stay a little longer. There are more than 1 billion mobile YouTube views happening every day and an average mobile YouTube viewing session spans more than 45 mins. ….( globalmediainsight ) That is admirable. So keep your mobile audience in mind when creating your content.

YouTube and other Social media Channels

YouTube videos are more like blog posts, and fit more effectively into the niche of content marketing. To view relevant content, people are most likely to find your videos on YouTube by searching for them. On most social media sites they shall see you from ads, if they are following you, or from engagement of a friend on your content. Because of this reason, you should approach YouTube as content marketing instead of social media marketing. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter revolve around both creating and sharing great content with the goal of creating awareness, engagement, and conversation. In order to effectively succeed on YouTube, you need to approach it differently than aforesaid social media platforms.

YouTube is not just part of social media; It is a social media monster. Any businessman or marketer worth their desire would recognize this as such. As a result, YouTube channel has become extremely important in today’s situation.

Here are some points that differentiate it from other social media channels:

  • Although Facebook is the most popular social network on the Internet, YouTube is quickly catching up. As a result, YouTube has a solid shot at replacing Facebook as the most popular social network with around 2.5 billion active users as compared to Facebook’s 2.9 billion.  YouTube probably has the best analytics platform of any other social network. YouTube users can use YouTube Analytics to see who is watching their content and from where in real time.
  • Many people go to YouTube with the intention of sitting down and watching video. They do not sit idle through their feeds like they do on Facebook.
  • The platform is mainly considered as a video sharing site where users can watch and upload videos. YouTube is considered a social media platform. It is the second most used search engine after google.
  • Most people still call YouTube a video streaming platform. But YouTube is more than just music videos and old TV clips. In recent years, it has evolved into a full-fledged social media platform that is as important and popular as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The only difference? Followers are called “subscribers” and influencers are called “creators“.
  • Some creators have millions of loyal subscribers. People chat in the comments section of the video. Status updates, stories, friend requests, tags. These features prove that YouTube is just as much a social media hub for them as Instagram and Facebook.
  • YouTube channel subscriptions provide a platform for communication between creators and audience. If you subscribe to a YouTube channel, you’re interested in the creator’s content and want to follow their work.
  • Mobile Friendly: Since so many students own smartphones, video is a great way to reach them. YouTube is mobile friendly and the vast majority of students already use it.
  • The emphasis of YouTube is on watching videos. It’s about the viewer’s experience, not a social one. You don’t really see people tagging each other in the comments like you do on other social sites.  If people want to do this, they’ll share the video onto their own social platforms.
  • YouTube, at its core, has always been very social. Recently, however, it’s become a meeting place for people with niche interests, who congregate in comments sections and exchange friend requests. TikTok and Vine, which combined large chunks of YouTube with other social elements, might skew younger, but YouTube is the social platform favored by almost every age group, making it attractive to marketers. By approaching YouTube as a platform for content instead of a social one, you can create more informative videos that will perform well and create more audience attention.

Why is YouTube better than other social media platforms?

Before we dive into how to grow your channel, it is important to explain why you want to do it and what are its benefits. YouTube marketing has many benefits that many businesses do not fully understand. The first one is mostly self-explanatory. Videos are lengthy now. Video rules the marketing world, and if you are not using video, you’ll almost certainly lose out to your competitors. It’s not an exaggeration. Because videos rank higher on all social platforms and perform better in advertising, customers are more likely to notice and act on companies that use video.

Here are just a some of the benefits you can get from marketing on YouTube:

⇒ Branding of your video:

Extending your branding to your video is pretty easy. Logos and other design elements should be present to help with brand recognition. If you don’t have these items, you should get them for all your social media marketing efforts.

⇒ No set up Cost:

Unlike website setup, posting videos and creating channels on YouTube is free. If you’ve already created a video, just sign in. See the section “Always create a custom channel” later in this chapter. You also have to consider the cost of creating the video and all the work to maintain it. Setting up a YouTube channel is free, but everything else costs time and money.

⇒ SEO ready for you:

Thanks to YouTube’s built-in SEO (search engine optimization), Google displays your videos in search results along with all the others. However, pay special attention to the keywords you use to describe your video so that they get the extra attention they deserve. People who subscribe to your YouTube channel are known as YouTube subscribers. Every time he uploads a new clip, he gets a notification and his name and icon appear on his YouTube channel page. Subscribers are like followers on Twitter or fans of his Facebook page. Just as you cultivate relationships on these other social platforms, you should do the same here.

⇒ Full Library of Videos

If you’re on YouTube, there’s a whole library of videos here. You can then natively upload your video files to any platform. You can even embed a YouTube video into your blog post with just a few clicks. This makes your blog posts more dynamic and engaging.

⇒ Diverse audience

YouTube also has a huge and very diverse audience that likes to use both YouTube and Google’s own search engine to find the content they’re looking for. If you can optimize for the right keywords , you’ll be able to connect with the audience immediately instead of waiting to see a Facebook ad. This allows us to find a very diverse audience that is happy to use both YouTube and Google search engines to find the content they are looking for.

YouTube videos can appear early in Google search results and YouTube is its second most used search engine after Google, so use this huge advantage on your side. What is the overall benefit? Only some percentage of small businesses use YouTube. There is less competition in the industry than on any other platform.

What is the best way and method to get followers?

How to build a following of subscribers on YouTube? I firmly believe that every business should optimize their channel before they even post the first video. If you already have your channel up and running, though, you should make some editing in it. In brief, to grow your audience and subscribers, you should consider the following steps:

⇒ First, optimize your YouTube channel: 

Currently almost every business and marketer starts with a video. We strongly believe that you should optimize your channel before publishing videos. But if you’ve already set up your channel, it’s never too late to make some changes in it.

⇒ Create and add popular and featured videos: 

All channels require 100% popular videos. This video will be prominently placed at the top and center of the channel. When users click on it, it plays automatically and immediately grabs their attention. This allows you to choose how you want to present yourself to your audience. This is especially important because the business description does not appear on the first page. 

Also reuse this video to introduce customers to what you do and how your channel specifically will benefit them. When you’re editing your profile, you’ll see the option “For Returning Subscribers.” If you click on this, you’ll see the option to add featured content. This is how you add the featured video. Do the same for “new users,” and upload the video as a channel trailer.

⇒ Publish video clips in high quality: 

You’ve probably heard the phrase “content is king” and “as thing appeared good as sold” many times on the internet. Think of your YouTube channel as a TV channel. Bad content won’t build a community of subscribers.  It doesn’t have to be high skill, but it does require some professionalism and consistency. Think about your channel not just in the context of a single video, but as a channel that publishes specific content throughout the year and fresh content and audience focused videos that add value to consumers while building brands.

⇒ YouTube channel graphics: 

There are two images to choose from. The first is your account photo, which works similar to your Facebook profile picture. The second is your Logo, which will appear at the top of your feed, similar to your cover photo on Facebook. These images should be chosen wisely as they are one of the first things a user will notice about a brand. 

We recommend that your account picture the one you set in your Google Account be some kind of brand logo.  When visitors Google you, you want them to be confident that the Facebook profile they’re clicking on is actually you. Choose channel graphics that are visually dynamic while representing your business. 

⇒ Support comments on video clips: 

Commenting on YouTube is no different than commenting on blogs or other social media sites. Some comments are worth it and some worse. Your goal is to build a community of people who appreciate and look forward to your new videos. If they post comments indicating that you are fulfilling their needs, you have achieved your goal.

⇒ YouTube Channel Description: 

This is one a lot of businesses forget about this. A well-written YouTube channel description helps you demonstrate why users want to watch your content and subscribe to your channels. It gives you a chance to give them the background of your business in a way you might not be able to do efficiently in a featured video.

Your channel description should explain what your business is, and what you can offer users on your YouTube channel. You can add a channel description in the same place you add the email address and links.

⇒ Your Channel Video content strategy: 

Don’t just think about your channel in the context of one video at a time but rather as a channel through which you’ll publish specific pieces of content throughout the year of your niche as per YouTube guidelines that provide value to consumers and build your brand simultaneously.

⇒ Subscribe to other creators’ videos: 

There are two benefits to subscribing to other people’s videos. first, we want to understand what it’s like to subscribe to a channel and how other channel creators interact with their subscribers. Second, it gives you the opportunity to meet others in the same niche and exchange ideas. They are just as interested in getting subscribers as you are. Everyone should  remember, this is a social platform.

⇒ Add links and other contact info to your profile: 

The goal of YouTube marketing is to drive users to other social channels and websites. Add a link to your channel and make it easy. It appears in the lower right corner of your channel graphic where it’s easy to see and click. The first thing is the option to add an email address that the user can use as a contact. The easier it is for customers to reach you, the better the results.  First add the mail link then choose one of other options in the order most important to your business like : Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn etc.

⇒ Promote your video with YouTube Email and Bulletins: 

YouTube helps you with the promotion of your clips through the  Facebook, Instagram, twitter email and Bulletin features. Reach out to other users through YouTube Email and tell them about your content and why it is of interest to them. On a similar note, leverage bulletins, which let you post short messages to your channel or on other user pages. You can manage all your YouTube emails, bulletins, subscribers, and friends through your channel page on YouTube.  If someone hasn’t asked for an email from you, don’t send it. Be careful not to spam.

Leave video responses Don’t forget that you can build goodwill with other users by leaving video responses to their clips. This matters, especially with the extremely popular clips in your category.  Make sure that your responses are civil and relevant. Imagine the surprise of your viewers when you respond to their comments with a video personalized for them.

⇒ Entertaining Video: 

Your customers are typically looking to be entertained when they’re on YouTube. Have some fun with the videos that you post. Even if they’re educational in nature (which can be very valuable and popular on YouTube), don’t shy away from injecting a bit of humor into them. Keep in mind that the clips should be engaging enough that they encourage the user to share the clip with others. When you’re producing your videos, remember that the first introductory few seconds are the most critical. You want to start off energized; otherwise, you run the risk of losing your viewers as the video progresses. On average, you should expect to lose some percent of your viewers over the length of your video.

⇒ Share the clips on other social platforms: 

This way you can build goodwill, increase views, and get more subscribers by doing this. It also burnishes your image on those other platforms. But as you share your clips elsewhere, always put the video on YouTube first and embed from YouTube versus uploading directly to the site you’re sharing on. The one exception may be Facebook and Instagram, where you’ll have higher engagement rates with your video if you upload the video directly to these platforms.

How to do Marketing and Promotions on YouTube ?

If you are marketer or a company, always Create Your Own Channel having a dedicated YouTube channel for your business or brand is important. Because you can showcase all relevant video clips in one place. 

A YouTube channel is the home of your brand account, where your published clips can appear. Setting up a channel is very easy. Channels also allow you to create your own profile and have a place to link your website. Customize your channel to match the visual identity of your company or brand.  When you register for an account via the Create Account link in the top right corner of the home page, your channel will be created when you upload your video clips. To access your YouTube channel, click on your username after logging in. 

Create your own content for YouTube according to your niche, and format of YouTube. Group video clips into playlists for easy viewing. Often, a clips lasts a minute or two can often have a big impact. 

You are trying to get your viewers to share your video with others. Don’t expect your viewers to spend a lot of time on your videos. As you know, the site has millions of users and lots of clips to watch. Tag and categorize all clips. Choose your video clip categories carefully. First, look at how popular video clips are tagged in categories  and consider using the same tags. These tags probably work for popular clips and work for you too.

The content may not exactly match the category. Select a category based on how many similar video clips it contains.  YouTube doesn’t limit the number of tags you can add. These tags make even non-searchable data such as photos and videos searchable by adding metadata. Video titles and descriptions are also help more.

How to Advertise on YouTube?

There’s plenty of great benefits to marketing on YouTube that many businesses don’t fully consider. The first is nearly self-explanatory. Video is huge right now, It is dominating the world of marketing, and if you aren’t using video, you’ll almost certainly lose out to your competitors. Video ranking higher on all social platforms and performing well in ads, customers are more likely to notice and respond to businesses using video.

When you’re using YouTube, you’ll have a whole library of videos. You can then upload the video files natively to each platform. You can also embed the YouTube videos into your blog posts with just a few clicks, making your blog posts more dynamic and engaging.

YouTube also has an enormous and very diverse audience, which happily uses both YouTube’s and Google’s own search engine to find content they’re looking for. If you’re able to optimize for the right keywords, you’ll be able to connect with that audience instantly. This allows them to find also an enormous and very diverse audience. This allows the audience to find you, not the other way around.

Since YouTube videos can show up early on in Google’s search results and YouTube is the second most commonly-used search engine after Google, you should avail this benefit.

What are different types of YouTube Ads?

If you are a marketer for a big brand, you may have the funds to invest in a paid advertising strategy. YouTube offers different options depending on your goals. They categorize their goals into brand awareness, reputation management, product launch and direct response. Here are some of the ad formats discussed in the following paragraphs.

 Skippable in-stream ads

Skippable in-stream ads play before, during, or after other videos. After 5 seconds, the viewer has an option to skip the ad. Skippable in-stream ads appear on YouTube watch pages and across websites and apps running on Google video partners.

 Non-skippable in-stream ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads are 15 seconds (or shorter) and play before, during, or after other videos. Viewers don’t have the option to skip the ad. Non-skippable in-stream ads appear on YouTube videos and across websites and apps running on Google video partners.

 In-feed video ads

In-feed video ads consist of a thumbnail image from your video with some text. While the exact size and appearance of the ad may vary depending on where it appears, in-feed video ads always invite people to click to watch the video. The video then plays on the YouTube watch page or channel homepage.

In-feed video ads appear:

  • On YouTube search results
  • Alongside related YouTube videos
  • On the YouTube mobile homepage

 Bumper ads

Bumper ads are 6 seconds (or shorter) and play before, during, or after another video. Viewers don’t have the option to skip the ad. Bumper ads appear on YouTube videos and across websites and apps running on Google video partners.

 Outstream ads

Outstream ads begin playing with the sound off. Viewers can tap the ad to unmute the video. Outstream ads are designed to increase your video reach at an efficient cost.  Outstream ads are mobile-only ads and only appear on websites and apps running on Google video partners. Outstream ads aren’t available on YouTube.

Outstream ads can run across a variety of different mobile placements. For mobile web placements, outstream ads appear in banners. In mobile apps, outstream ads appear in banners, interstitials, in-feed, native, and in both portrait and fullscreen modes.

 Masthead ads

Use this format when you want to drive awareness for a new product or service or reach a massive audience in a short period of time (for example, a sales event). Masthead ads are only available on a reservation basis through a Google sales representative.

This ad format work on:

i) Desktop

  • A featured video in a Masthead ad autoplays without the sound for up to 30 seconds at the top of the YouTube Home feed. The Masthead ad can appear in a widescreen or 16:9 aspect ratio format and includes an information panel to the right that automatically uses assets from your channel. You can optionally include up to 2 companion videos in this panel. People can click the mute icon if they want to hear sound from the video.
  • After autoplay, the main video defaults to the video thumbnail. When people click on the video or click on the thumbnail, they’re taken to the YouTube watch page for the video.

ii) Mobile

  • A featured video in a Masthead ad autoplays without the sound for the full duration of the video at the top of the YouTube app or Home feed.
  • The mobile video Masthead ad features a video thumbnail, customizable headline, description texts and an external call-to-action (CTA). The mobile video Masthead ad also automatically pulls in the channel name and icon from the advertiser’s channel. When a user clicks on the mobile video Masthead ad, it will exit to the YouTube watch page for the featured video.

iii) TV screens

  • A featured video in a Masthead ad autoplays (where supported) without the sound for the full duration of the video at the top of the YouTube app for TVs. The Masthead ad can appear in a widescreen or 16:9 aspect ratio format. People can use their TV remote to interact with the Masthead ad. After autoplay, the main video defaults to the video thumbnail. When people click on the video or thumbnail, they’re taken to the watch page for the video to watch full-screen.
  • You can’t add a CTA to a Masthead ad on TV screens.

What is viral advertising?

Video is one of the most engaging forms of digital marketing. After all, the visual and audio elements of video are more likely to capture audience attention than content that only interacts with one sense. However, while most people enjoy video, not all videos go viral. Without a viral marketing strategy and some genuinely sensational content, the chances are that most of your videos just won’t hit viral status.

Viral marketing is the act of creating content that spurs organic sharing in your audience. Viral videos spread across digital and offline channels like a virus, capturing the attention of endless potential customers. In other words, viral videos are unique because your customers do the advertising for you. They share your video content to their family and friends.

There are a few other things that help to set viral video campaigns apart from the crowd. Some experts agree that the video needs to earn more than  ten million views within a three-week period. Others suggest that twenty million views is a better goal. After all, viral video marketing is cheaper, and potentially more effective than any other promotional strategy. It is very important that, while the definition of viral video marketing can vary, one key component is that your video must rely on word-of-mouth marketing for promotion.

Here are some strategic points which should be considered for viral video marketing:


This is a video that creates a national frenzy, and people rush to see it and share it with their friends. Usually, it just happens organically without planning. It captures the imagination of audience. Viral advertising organically is a wonderful and powerful tool but modern paid ad algorithms complicated your total exposure, obscuring you from reaching new audiences or even your entire following of audience and fans. 

 Paid Add:

Do you want school and college age students, who go to in specific regions, to only watch your videos in mobile? Unbelievably, you can configure your advertising settings to find these people so easily too. This video has a carefully with planned viral paid ad campaign with lots of thought and advertising dollars behind it. It may go viral, but there’s no guarantee. Some companies specialize in viral seeding, or you can go through a general social media agency to get assistance.

You have a great video that needs exposure to a new audience. These folks aren’t on your email lists, or following your social media platforms, so it is difficult,  how do you reach them? This is where paid Ad comes in. With Paid Ad you can get your content in front of fresh audience in the networks they use every day, reach the right audience, with the right message and at the right time.

 Keep the content fresh.

 Nothing beats fresh content when it comes to creating viral video clips. The content needs to be so engaging and unique that people can’t help but want to share it with everyone they know. Always start by focusing on the content.

 Use celebrities if possible.

Collaborating with YouTube stars who are celebrities on YouTube with large channels to help promote the videos can help. If you’re representing a large brand and can afford to use celebrities, don’t loose chance to do so. Adding celebrities typically makes the videos more viral. Some of the most popular videos during the important popular events from advertisers all used celebrities.

 Arouse emotions.

More broadly speaking, studies by psychologists have shown that the videos that get the most attention and are shared most frequently are the ones that arouse emotions in the viewer, whether they be emotions of amusement, awe, anger, love, or disgust. Although emotional videos are often the ones that get shared the most, don’t ignore the other ways in which you can arouse the emotions of your potential viewers. 

 Make it short.

These days, people online have no time at all. You must keep the viral clip short. Sometimes clips as little as ten seconds long are long enough for a video to go viral. Focus on quality versus quantity more than anything else. But also remember that there are no hard and fast rules for what the appropriate length of a YouTube video should be that goes viral.

 Don’t make it an ad.

You have mostly noticed that, sometimes marketers can’t resist the temptation to turn everything into an advertisement. Don’t let that happen. The content needs to be thought of as entertainment, and in fact, the more it’s in a user’s casual language, the more likely it is to do well. The best way to appeal to your target audience is to look at everything else they’re probably viewing on YouTube and then use that as a baseline to understand what style of content they’d be most interested in.

These few tips and tricks may improve your chances of creating a viral video.  There is another method i.e. viral seeding. Viral seeding involves sharing your video in a very targeted way to increase its share ability. These elements includes the following:

 Targeting influencers:

 People who are influential in that category may comment to their audience about the video content, either online or off.

 Placing it on social networks:

 For getting video viral, links to the video showing up in Instagram, tweets, Facebook posts, and other social sites.


 Most of the video owners and marketers buy different types of advertising like Google, YouTube, Facebook etc. to encourage sharing their content.


Well-known bloggers include a link to the video in one of their posts. Don’t forget to link to your own channel from your website. Also, make sure your other channels like Facebook, Instagram pages and blogs have links to your YouTube channel. Links are very important to a cohesive social media marketing campaign and more audience attention.

 Promote your videos on email 

The first thing in marketing you need to know about promote your video on email is embedding videos in emails. Many major email providers such as Google, Yahoo, and Outlook for Windows do not support embedded videos, resulting in a bad user experience for many marketers. However, there is a solution that puts the video in front of the viewer and encourages email subscribers to click through to the website.

YouTube allows you to promote your clips using email and features on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Reach out to other YouTube users by email and tell them about your content and why you’re interested. Similarly use message boards to post short messages on channels or other user sites. You can manage all your emails, messages, subscribers and YouTube friends from your YouTube channel page.


YouTube marketing is often completely forgotten by most marketers and businesses, but it could be just the tool you need to differentiate yourself from the competition. It is the best platform to market your product or services in best way. By approaching YouTube as the next leg of your content marketing strategy, you’ll be able to create great video content that will enhance both your content and your social media marketing. Video is the hottest thing in marketing right now and I don’t think it’s going away; embrace it by registering your business on YouTube and diving in today.

Video marketing (especially YouTube marketing) is extremely valuable not only for generating additional traffic sources, but also for getting active readers to your website or blog. In addition to this, it gives your blog authority and helps you brand yourself. I hope you have learned some thing from this post and increase your marketing skill.



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